Associate Professor Feng Xuewei lectures on Identity and Contract in Traditional Chinese Society


On June 9, the fourth session of The express and share of legal opinion was successfully held in Nankai University School of Law. 

The Seminar was hosted by Professor Song Hualin, Associate Dean of Nankai University School of Law. Associate Professor Feng Xuewei was the keynote speaker to share his latest research named Identity and Contract in Traditional Chinese Society. Professor Yu Yuhe, Associate Professor Li Fei, Dr Sun Jingchao and Dr Jia Zhuowei of Nankai University School of Law participated in the meeting.

In the thought exchange part, all professors made valuable comments from their professional perspective. Associate Professor Feng Xuewei responded to the questions and suggestions raised by the teachers and thanked them for their suggestions. 

He said there are many ideas and questions raised in the paper, which really need to be further perfected, explained and more fully demonstrated.